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I'm Anshul, a 16-year-old developer from London.

About Me

I'm in sixth form at the moment, having taken my GCSEs in the summer of 2023. As a developer, I enjoy experimenting with new technologies and languages, in addition to building random code solutions to problems only I have!

Having begun in 2015 with Python, I have since branched out into OOP languages like Java and C#, in addition to the wonderfully multipurpose JS. Although mainly a backend developer, I also have experience in working with ReactJS as well as bare HTML/CSS (This website!)

I'm currently working on learning a little C++ while gradually working on the several projects that I have on the go.

My A Levels




Further Maths

My Projects

I've worked on many programming projects that I've documented on this site.

My Links

Copied tag to clipboard!

Huge thanks to Fireship on YouTube for the CSS tutorials!